Sentence example with the word 'lionlike'


Last update: July 12, 2015


With a roar that was almost lionlike in its ferocity, he again hurled himself at the man.   [Please select]


The actors in it were not surprised by any lionlike temptation springing upon their virtue, and overcoming it before resistance could begin.   [Please select]


In vain the Chief Justice rose, his lionlike face livid with anger, pounded for order, and commanded the galleries to be cleared.   [Please select]


The Twelve did wondrously; nay, every man of the twenty thousand fought with lionlike courage; neither counted any man his life dear to him.   [Please select]


"Come with us," King urged him; but he shook his head, looking more lionlike than ever, for in his yellow eyes now there was a blaze as of conquest.   [Please select]

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lionizing - lionlike - lions