Sentence example with the word 'lilied'


Last update: June 24, 2015


Blue-flowered papyri were clustered about a microscopic, water-lilied lake, quite black in the late afternoon light.   [Please select]


When the evening star flashed silver in the lilied pool, Carl sat alone.   [Please select]


He was still staring vaguely about him when night curtained the lilied pool and the stars flashed brightly overhead.   [Please select]


Short as were these, they had held horrid visions, broken fragments of scenes that waved and clustered about the lilied altar in the Ts'kiji cathedral, echoing to the solemn service of the dead.'   [Please select]


Beyond that, and lower still, a lilied pond widened out of the sluggish brook with a cool and rustic spring-house at one end.   [Please select]

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lilacs - lilied - lilies