The faculties of letters and sciences, besides granting the Baccalaurat de lenseignement secondaire, confer the degrees of licentiate and doctor (la Licence, le Doctoral). [Please select]
Licentiate Sancho Velasquez, who had made the second distribution, wrote to the king April 27, 1515: "." [Please select]
The licentiate's report to the king, dated April 27, 1515, gives an idea of the state of affairs in San Juan at the time. [Please select]
This licentiate has committed many injustices and offenses, as the attorney can testify. [Please select]
However, the crown officers ascribe the licentiate's protest to other motives than the desire for the good of the island. [Please select]
--Licentiate Velasquez, one of the king's officers at Capárra, wrote to his Highness in April, 1515: "." [Please select]
The citizens and soldiers that had remained there, assembled at the house of Licentiate Pedro de Rojas, to discuss advisable measures. [Please select]
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