Sentence example with the word 'laudation'


Last update: July 27, 2015


But those works of his which have come down to us show few traces of unusual ability; and the laudation of him as a universal genius by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Aldus Manutius requires to be discounted.   [Please select]


Rudyard Kipling was never in danger of unintelligent laudation from his safest and most intelligent reader.   [Please select]


In their songs and sayings, as well as in their mythology, there is a laudation of love that is overstimulating.   [Please select]


Interesting book by a man who has been bored by the laudation of the heroic and patriotic side of the Revolution).   [Please select]


He begged her to acquaint her friends in Moscow what an important and majestic organ is “The Quarterly,” how weighty therefore its laudation of herself.   [Please select]


He went on in smooth, casual laudation: "No American takes hold of a scheme of this sort until he knows jolly well what he's going to get out of it."   [Please select]

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laudanum - laudation - laudations