Sentence example with the word 'lariats'


Last update: September 7, 2015


Ned smiled to himself when he saw the lariats.   [Please select]


Here, tied to trees with skin lariats, they were safe from wind and wave.   [Please select]


The animals were led into this little corral, and made fast there by lariats.   [Please select]


Ned sprang upon Old Jack, and rode away at a trot, leading the other two horses by their lariats.   [Please select]


For bridles and halters they used strips of hide, out of which material they made also lariats.   [Please select]


They rode ponies and two or three were recoiling lariats which they had evidently got ready in the hope of a throw.   [Please select]


The lariats, one by one tightening over his bony chest, snapped like threads, almost jerking the mustangs from their feet.   [Please select]


At the same time he dexterously cuts the lariats of such horses as he observes are not hobbled.   [Please select]


The lariats of the other four were cut--so that, when they arose, they would find themselves at liberty to go whither they chose--after which the two approached their respective prizes and prepared to mount.   [Please select]


Custar seized some chiefs and, with noosed lariats dangling before their eyes, bade them send and have those prisoners brought in, or suffer the penalties.   [Please select]

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lariated - lariats - larked