Sentence example with the word 'knuckled'


Last update: September 28, 2015


The horse was an old, worn-out chestnut, with an ill-kept coat, and bones that showed plainly through it; the knees knuckled over, and the forelegs were very unsteady.   [Please select]


The four-inch iron plating of the citadel knuckled over the wooden sides two feet under water.   [Please select]


Here there ensued a silence during which Adam knuckled his right temple again and I tightened the buckle of my knapsack.   [Please select]


Feet round, cat like, not too large, toes well knuckled, close and compact, strong nails, pad thick, tough and indurated by use.   [Please select]


She understands me fully, and although at first she was a little inclined to fight, she soon--she soon--well, she knuckled under gracefully when she found she must.   [Please select]


And through the rest of the morning, as he sat and gazed into the fire, she observed that he several times chuckled gently and rubbed his delicate, chill, swollen knuckled hands together.   [Please select]

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knucklebones - knuckled - knuckles