Sentence example with the word 'knowers'


Last update: August 29, 2015


These are the ` ulema, " knowers," theology being briefly named "the knowledge" (` ilm).   [Please select]


Transcendentalist theories left it impossible to traverse by finite knowers, and brought an Absolute in to perform the saltatory act.   [Please select]


IV For aught this argument proves, then, we may continue to believe that one thing can be known by many knowers.   [Please select]


] IV For aught this argument proves, then, we may continue to believe that one thing can be known by many knowers.   [Please select]


But that there are so many knowers is itself a fact, which in turn requires _its_ knower, so the one absolute knower has eventually to be brought in.   [Please select]


Now the classic doctrine of pantheistic idealism, from the Upanishads down to Josiah Royce, is that the finite knowers, in spite of their apparent ignorance, are one with the knower of the all.   [Please select]

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knower - knowers - knowing