Sentence example with the word 'knotting'


Last update: October 12, 2015


It was a short one, and part of it had been taken up in the hasty knotting.   [Please select]


It was as though her blood were running backward, knotting itself in clots of darkness and agony.   [Please select]


"Ay, all save one that makes love in the hearts of men," said Krishna, knotting his girdle.   [Please select]


In its place she fitted the ribbon, pinning it securely and knotting the ends so that the fringe reached her shoulder.   [Please select]


Knotting his brows in concentration of effort to divine the future, he doubted himself, darkly questioning alike his abilities and his temper under trial; neither ere now had ever been put to the test.   [Please select]


A very ingenious method of fixing the threads of open work, without resorting to the device of knotting has been extensively employed in the manufacture of ancient textiles.   [Please select]

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knottiest - knotting - knotty