Sentence example with the word 'kingless'


Last update: June 21, 2015


All such cases were perhaps peculiar to the western peoples; in the east, north and centre we have no evidence for kingless government.   [Please select]


"Puritanism without its king, is kingless, anarchic, falls into dislocation, staggers, and plunges into even deeper anarchy."   [Please select]


_ The Fox, the Monkey, and the Animals Left kingless by the lion's death, The beasts once met, our story saith, Some fit successor to install.   [Please select]


Scotland was now kingless; Galloway rebelled, and William, taken a captive to Falaise in Normandy, surrendered absolutely the independence of his country, which, for fifteen years, really was a fief of England.   [Please select]

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kinghood - kingless - kinglet