I peeped through the keyhole to see what was causing that. [Please select]
7 7 Argus is surrounded by a nebula, the famous Keyhole nebula "; in this respect it resembles Nova Persei. [Please select]
Peeping Tom through the keyhole. [Please select]
I wedged a key from my pocket into its keyhole, but the thing would not budge. [Please select]
It had no handle nor, so far as I could see, a keyhole. [Please select]
Its door was a portion of the side of the forecastle, and a keyhole was concealed behind a removable knot. [Please select]
Freddie was very anxious to look through the keyhole, but Bert told him that wouldn't be fair, so he stayed away. [Please select]
” “Then I am going into my room, to lock the door, and call the verse through the keyhole. [Please select]
'" Susie Smithers at the keyhole "Lovey Mary waved until she rounded a curve.' [Please select]
At the door she stumbled against two little girls who were listening at the keyhole. [Please select]
In less than an hour Dick Blaine arrived by dog-cart in answer to the note, and Patali did her best to listen through a keyhole to the interview. [Please select]
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