In fact, she was so keyed up when she reached her apartment that she decided to call her best friend with the news. [Please select]
Still they'd kiss all right if properly keyed up. [Please select]
Nerves keyed high often created the illusion of reality. [Please select]
No one could remain keyed to that pitch many hours. [Please select]
His muscles had regained their toughness and flexibility, and above all, the intense desire for freedom had keyed him to supreme effort. [Please select]
What would the effect be on wild folk tortured by hunger and keyed to the pitch of frenzy by suspense. [Please select]
To be keyed up to a battle-pitch, and then to have the battle deferred, is a trial of flesh and spirit. [Please select]
Genet therefore went on his mission to America keyed to measures which were audacious but which can hardly be described as reckless. [Please select]
The people of Mbonga were keyed to the highest pitch of hysterical excitement. [Please select]
He was almost sorry; and yet it keyed him up to see that there was some necessity "to still play the gentleman." [Please select]
As it receded be observed that the lowest course stones was laid on a bronze foundation, that keyed in wide bronze grooves. [Please select]
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