Sentence example with the word 'jumbles'


Last update: June 20, 2015


Jumbles of boulders, sand, gravel, and steep cutbanks, are characteristic of the channels of dry washes, these areas supporting sparse vegetation.   [Please select]


In the channels of San Antonio Wash, _lepida_ was commonly associated with jumbles of boulders and boulder-dotted cut banks.   [Please select]


"But they're not as stuck up as the Frosted Jumbles," declared Mr.'   [Please select]


I don't like to be suspicious or talk scandal, but sometimes I think the Jumbles have too much baking powder in them.   [Please select]


He soon returned, bringing the tray and a plate of delicious jumbles.   [Please select]


"Yes, I guess so," ventured Freddie; "it's because you came," and then Dinah brought in little play cups of chocolate with jumbles on the side, and Mrs.   [Please select]


Before he reached the ruins of splintered ramparts and jumbles of broken walls the moon topped the eastern slope of the mountain, and the mystifying blackness he had dreaded changed to magic silver light.   [Please select]

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jumbled - jumbles - jumbling