Sentence example with the word 'jugum'


Last update: November 1, 2015


The unit was the sulung (aratrum) or ploughland (from sulk, " plough"), the fourth part of which was the geocled or geoc (jugum), originally a yoke of oxen.   [Please select]


Claustrum: the structure uniting the wings in flight, whether by hooks, by a thickening of the margin, or by a jugum.   [Please select]


Jugatae: that series of Lepidoptera in which there is a jugum instead of a frenulum to unite the wings in flight.   [Please select]


Jugum: in certain Lepidoptera and Trichoptera, a lobe or process at the base of primaries, overlapping secondaries and holding the two together in flight.   [Please select]


At his hands anatomy and markings become lost in a scientific jargon of patagia, jugum, discocellulars, phagocytes, and so on to the end of the volume.   [Please select]

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jugulum - jugum - juice