Sentence example with the word 'journalese'


business businessese, collegese, computerese, editorial, journalistic, magazinish, medical medicalese, newspaperish, officialese, periodical, serial, societyese, stagese

Definition n. the style in which newspapers are written

Last update: September 6, 2015


The joyful journalese revealed that it was beyond question their boy, and it soothed Mrs.   [Please select]


The writing of good, plain English, rather than "smart" journalese should be the aim.   [Please select]


The 'Arab Movement' up to the present has consisted in little more than talk and journalese.   [Please select]


That famous extra, wedged in between English election news, which told in bald journalese of a crisis, which became the crisis of their own lives before the whole edition was sent out.   [Please select]

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journal - journalese - journalism