Sentence example with the word 'joinery'


Definition n. fine woodwork done by a joiner

Last update: July 12, 2015


The chief timber of indigenous growth is padouk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides) used for buildings, boats, furniture, fine joinery and all purposes to which teak, mahogany, hickory, oak and ash are applied.   [Please select]


--Laminated work--the building up of circular rims for cabinet and joinery work.   [Please select]


54 is used in carpentry and joinery where a tie or cross piece ties joists or beams at an angle.   [Please select]


263 is the hook joint used on good-class joinery and cabinet work.   [Please select]


** A Dovetail Joint Puzzle [236] A simple but very ingenious example in joinery is illustrated.   [Please select]


] THE BRIDLE JOINT A bridle joint is often defined as the reverse of a mortise and tenon, and is chiefly used in the carpentry and joinery trades.   [Please select]


A comprehensive and scholarly treatise, covering logging, saw-milling, seasoning and measuring, hand tools, wood fastenings, equipment and care of the shop, the common joints, types of wood structures, principles of joinery, and wood finishing.   [Please select]

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