Sentence example with the word 'jetted'


Last update: June 20, 2015


An instant before, Stubb had swiftly caught two additional turns with it round the loggerhead, whence, by reason of its increased rapid circlings, a hempen blue smoke now jetted up and mingled with the steady fumes from his pipe.   [Please select]


On her head there rested a dainty up-flared bonnet, whose jetted edges shone in the candle light as she moved toward me.   [Please select]


00 Average number of piles jetted per day 4 City water pressure used for jetting @ $1 per pile 1.   [Please select]


Immediately, as if the uplifting of the smoke had been prearranged, the discovered troops burst into a rasping yell, and a hundred flames jetted toward the retreating band.   [Please select]


The Ajusco hills, for reasons known to themselves, were dead-black masses as they jetted into the sky, but their outlines were scalloped with an indescribable embroidery of the same fluid whiteness.   [Please select]

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jetsam - jetted - jetties