Sentence example with the word 'jawed'


Definition adj. of animals having jaws of a specified type

Last update: August 10, 2015


In a proclamation issued for his arrest in 1683 he is described as "a tall lean man, dark brown hair, a great Roman nose, thin-jawed, heat in his face, speaks in the Scotch tone, a sharp piercing eye, stoops a little in the shoulders."   [Please select]


Well, the iron-jawed man he laughed right in his face.   [Please select]


Close up yer own whopper jawed mouth, ef ye want anything shet up.   [Please select]


There is also another sort of beagles, wire-haired, flew-jawed, heavy hung, deep-mouthed.   [Please select]


The man referred to was a long, lank, lantern-jawed fellow with a cross-grained expression of countenance.   [Please select]


A lank-jawed, thin-browed brother, with uneasy, intertwining fingers, and a deep-set, venomous eye, was the spokesman of those four.   [Please select]


And George laughed--one of those irritating, senseless, chuckle-headed, crack-jawed laughs of his.   [Please select]


They were large, resolute, big-jawed men, and they were all high lords in the land of Zenith--Dr.   [Please select]


The place was ideal for such a use, but now no steel-jawed trap yawned for him.   [Please select]


Into a vacant chair beside one of these the detective dropped, and familiarly requested the lantern-jawed waiter, who presently bustled to his side, to "Back meh up a tub of suds, George."   [Please select]


The superintendent looked into the pictured face of a full-cheeked, wide-mouthed, square-jawed man with a slightly blasé expression and a half-cynical smile.   [Please select]

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jawbreakers - jawed - jawing