Inside, a white-jacketed attendant, who looked like a highschooler, casually checked Dean's credentials while Cynthia waited, not quite out of ear shot. [Please select]
"This is all I can find about dogs," explained the boy, passing the linen-jacketed little volume across the counter to Link. [Please select]
Bibbs panted, staring at it, as the white-jacketed twin of a Pullman porter helped him to get out of his overcoat. [Please select]
For a moment up at the bow he paused, a ridiculous little dark-jacketed figure between the two white crests of our waves. [Please select]
The floors were bare and the furniture was still jacketed in linen. [Please select]
The engine was, of course, jacketed, but was air-cooled, as water circulation would have been impracticable in the polar regions. [Please select]
The more general method of drying the cotton is in steam-jacketed tubes, i. [Please select]
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