Sentence example with the word 'isotherm'


air mass, cold front, cyclone, high, isobar, isometric line, isothermal line, low-pressure area, polar front, stationary front, weather map

Definition n. (meteorology) an isogram connecting points having the same temperature at a given time

Last update: November 3, 2015


As a result, the isotherms of July are strongly convex poleward as they cross the United States, the isotherm of 70 Sweeping up to the northern boundary in the north-west, and the heat equator leaping to the overheated deserts of the south-west, where the July mean is over 90.   [Please select]


The southern limit of its distribution approximates the isotherm of forty-five degrees.   [Please select]

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isosceles - isotherm - isothermal