Sentence example with the word 'irretrievably'


absolutely, clean, irreclaimably, irrecoverably, irredeemably, irremediably, irreparably, irreversibly, irrevocably, perfectly, plain, plumb, quite, right, sheer, stark, unrelievedly, unsalvably, unsalvageably

Definition adv. in an irretrievable manner

Last update: June 19, 2015


The earliest written annals of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans are irretrievably lost.   [Please select]


Your character would also suffer irretrievably.   [Please select]


"I am afraid I have--ah--misjudged her," muttered Gabriel, now convinced that he had committed himself irretrievably.   [Please select]


With such an army, the cause of Frederic was not irretrievably lost.   [Please select]


Shortly after, the Turkish conqueror invaded the falling empire of the Greeks, and its Asiatic provinces were irretrievably lost.   [Please select]


Washington instructed Putnam to hurry his 4,000 on before they were irretrievably cut off from the main army.   [Please select]


As the young fellow climbed up into the dog-cart beside her, Kate Erlton knew that one chance had gone irretrievably, irrevocably.   [Please select]


It is true that you have injured me terribly and irretrievably.   [Please select]


So long had he brooded over his wrongs that his mind had either become hopelessly impotent or else irretrievably hardened.   [Please select]


The King's Basin lands with the wealth of effort that had already been expended would have been given over to the river, lost irretrievably to the race.   [Please select]


That too mars the _Merry Men_, whoever wrote them or part wrote them, and _Prince Otto_ would have been irretrievably spoiled by this self-conscious sense of cleverness had it not been for style and artifice.   [Please select]

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irretrievable - irretrievably - irreverence