Sentence example with the word 'irretrievable'


ablated, cureless, gone, indefeasible, irrecoverable, lasting, out the window, shrunken, unchanged, unmodifiable, unsusceptible

Definition adj. impossible to recover or recoup or overcome

Last update: August 22, 2015


Lucy's parents were concerned over the irretrievable breakdown of her marriage.   [Please select]


He believed in inspirations, and he would back his knowledge, his inspiration, by an irretrievable move.   [Please select]


In our zeal we became victims of one bit of imposture, which, however, did not involve us in irretrievable loss,--only spoons.   [Please select]


It had been his habit to think of them gloomily, as of hopeless and irretrievable loss.   [Please select]


For as a result of those four minutes, ruin, utter and irretrievable, stares him in the face.   [Please select]


And she had no wish to add this irretrievable folly to the original blunder.   [Please select]


The occurrence, by maintaining the situation where it was, rendered it impossible to take any irretrievable step that day.   [Please select]


They sent Gylippus, an able commander, whose generalship contributed largely to the total and irretrievable defeat that the Athenians finally suffered.   [Please select]


And then all at once, without warning, there closed down upon her an enormous depression, a sense as of standing on the brink of irretrievable disaster.   [Please select]


For there had lingered in her a sort of stunned incredulity: she could not quite believe that their quarrel had been irretrievable, that Hugo was gone forever.   [Please select]

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irresponsiveness - irretrievable - irretrievably