Sentence example with the word 'irreducible'


a certain, chaste, homespun, indivisible, intrinsic, monolithic, primary, simon-pure, subjective, unforgoable

Definition adj. incapable of being made smaller or simpler

Last update: September 12, 2015


It can be an integer or an irreducible polynomial over the field S.   [adjective]


The result was a contradiction which was absolutely irreducible within the limits of formal democracy.   [adjective]


The mathematics teacher taught irreducible tensors.   [adjective]


What anthem did Bloom chant partially in anticipation of that multiple, ethnically irreducible consummation.   [adjective]


The individual substances, of which the universe is composed, fall into three great irreducible kinds: nature, God, man.   [Please select]


I do not wish to say dogmatically that the difference is irreducible; I think it highly probable that it is not.   [Please select]


* See his "The New Physiology and Other Addresses," Griffin, 1919, also the symposium, "Are Physical, Biological and Psychological Categories Irreducible."   [Please select]


The body, through the operation of some irreducible law of the subjective self, was moving in an automatic somnambulism.   [Please select]


The view here expressed, that relation to an object is an ultimate irreducible characteristic of mental phenomena, is one which I shall be concerned to combat.   [Please select]


Eminently moderate proposals were met by statements of irreducible minima, and in the ensuing deadlock our ambassadors surged forward like a Greek Chorus with ineffectual pleas for patience and the avoidance of irretrievable steps.   [Please select]

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irreducibility - irreducible - irreducibly