Sentence example with the word 'irreconcilably'


Last update: July 8, 2015


Alone the Pan-Polish party reverted irreconcilably to the historic solution of union or federation with Poland.   [Please select]


These interests then stand diametrically and irreconcilably opposed to each other.   [Please select]


I have broken irreconcilably with Ratcliffe, and can have nothing to expect from that quarter but insult and persecution.   [Please select]


In government, in religion, in business, in everything, the two great rivals were irreconcilably opposed.   [Please select]


To measure Lincoln's achievement in this respect, two things must be remembered: on the one hand, his task was not as arduous as it might have been, because the most intellectual part of the North had definitely committed itself either irretrievably for, or irreconcilably against, his policy.   [Please select]


Yet the two women, who had dwelt under the same roof since Hester's babyhood, who were united by the strongest and most sacred tie, were without one taste in common, were irreconcilably different in every mode of thought and impulse of feeling, were only alike in each being well-intentioned and desirous of fulfilling her intuitions and justifying her beliefs.   [Please select]

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irreconcilables - irreconcilably - irrecoverable