Sentence example with the word 'irreconcilables'


Last update: August 18, 2015


On the death of Liberius (366) a considerable party nominated Damasus successor; but the irreconcilables of the party of Liberius refused to pardon his trimming, and set up against him another deacon, Ursinus.   [Please select]


The irreconcilables, nearly all from the South and including a hundred delegates from Texas, voted for S.   [Please select]


Leighton, in despair, resigned his see: the irreconcilables of the Kirk had crowned him with insults.   [Please select]


At that time the "irreconcilables" were beginning to be afraid that Elihu Root and William H.   [Please select]


The major portion, known as "reservationists," favored ratification with certain conditions respecting American rights; while a small though active minority rejected the League of Nations in its entirety, announcing themselves to be "irreconcilables."   [Please select]


He became the leader of the little band of "irreconcilables" who girded their armor to prevent what they regarded as a catastrophic sacrifice of American interests.   [Please select]

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irreconcilable - irreconcilables - irreconcilably