Sentence example with the word 'invincibly'


Last update: June 14, 2015


His hostility to a high tariff policy, however, did not prevent him from condemning the South Carolina ordinance of nullification; and in the presidential election of 1832 he supported Andrew Jackson, to whose political principles and methods, as to those of his advisers, he was invincibly opposed, as the "least objectionable" of the various candidates..   [Please select]


She was as determined not to know them, as he was invincibly shy of telling them.   [Please select]


Invincible youth was invincibly in the saddle again, and he said confidently to the captain: "Let's start."   [Please select]


She might be, as she was, variable with other people; with himself she was invincibly straightforward.   [Please select]


But Grandjon-Larisse had the surer eye, and was invincibly certain of hand and strong of wrist.   [Please select]


But her eye, that torch of the soul, is untamed, and, in the intensity of her reading, we see a soul invincibly young in faith and hope.   [Please select]


If they go to work gently, the creature subjected to them adapts itself as best it can, but invincibly refuses to cease to be what it is.   [Please select]

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invincibleness - invincibly - inviolability