Sentence example with the word 'invincibility'


authenticity, dependability, impenetrability, indelibility, ineradicability, inviolability, reliability, soundness, steadiness, unattackableness, validity

Last update: June 28, 2015


On the 7th of October was fought the naval battle of Lepanto, which broke for ever the tradition of the invincibility of the Turks at sea.   [Please select]


The man's achievements had been so startling that they had created the spell of invincibility.   [Please select]


He was so thoroughly persuaded of his invincibility, that he felt there was no occasion to prove it.   [Please select]


The battle destroyed once for all the legend of Spartan invincibility.   [Please select]


That is because you believed in British invincibility upon the sea.   [Please select]


He was so thoroughly persuaded of his invincibility that he felt there was no occasion to prove it.   [Please select]


For more than two years after that England basked in the consciousness of invincibility.   [Please select]


This doubtless confirmed his opinion of Holkar's invincibility; and he determined, as the only way of saving himself, to declare for him.   [Please select]


The spell of Southern invincibility in the famous valley, where Jackson had won so often, was broken, and the star of Sheridan had flashed out with brilliancy, to last until the war's close.   [Please select]

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invigorators - invincibility - invincible