Sentence example with the word 'invigorated'


Last update: June 15, 2015


With the systematic study of the Latin, and to a slight extent also of the Greek classics, he conjoined that of logic in the prolix system of Crousaz; and he further invigorated his reasoning powers, as well as enlarged his knowledge of metaphysics and jurisprudence, by the perusal of Locke, Grotius and Montesquieu.   [Please select]


Then, much invigorated, he resumed his vague journey.   [Please select]


Invigorated by Mr.   [Please select]


But they were all much invigorated, and began to think and talk of plans for the future.   [Please select]


His disciples allege that their intellect is invigorated by the study of his books.   [Please select]


Pete and Colonel, invigorated by their long rest, but whitened by age and with drooping heads, drew the wagon.   [Please select]


He did not wake till seven the next morning, which invigorated his powers and prepared him for the duties of another day.   [Please select]


The whippings were just as severe as if we had gone forth in the morning, strengthened and invigorated by a night's repose.   [Please select]


But two things encouraged and invigorated her: he was alive, and he had written to her.   [Please select]


It was certain, therefore, that the house was not on fire; and, invigorated by this thought, he descended the stairs.   [Please select]


It was like taking off damp, threadbare garments that had chilled one for a long time and facing the winter wind, naked, but invigorated.   [Please select]

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invigorate - invigorated - invigorates