Sentence example with the word 'invests'


Last update: September 13, 2015


The duty of teaching and of administering the sacraments and of always presiding in church courts being strictly reserved to him invests his office with a dignity and influence greater than that of the elder.   [Please select]


BROTHER BUZZ: (Invests Bloom in a yellow habit with embroidery of painted flames and high pointed hat.)   [Please select]


Although not an attractive species, his hardiness invests him with not a little interest.   [Please select]


_: invests its cells with the down off the stems of labiate plants, which it strips off with its mandibles (p.)   [Please select]


No writer of the present day invests the themes of which he treats with livelier interest than the well-known Peter Parley.   [Please select]


It is the law that invests the person of a queen, whoever she be, with a sort of inviolability.   [Please select]


And Truth not only invests them with a dawn of hope, but raises on it a renewal of strength and courage.   [Please select]


This invests labor with a beauty and power, and confers upon it a dignity, to be gained in no other way.   [Please select]


Still, there are times when the presence of an empty gun has done wonders; since imagination invests it with all the attributes of a loaded weapon.   [Please select]


He invests their money on the best terms he can, and pays to them such interest as he can afford to give; retaining a compensation for his own risk and trouble.   [Please select]

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investors - invests - inveteracy