Sentence example with the word 'invertebrates'


Last update: August 29, 2015


As regards invertebrates, very few species or genera are peculiar to Liberia so far as is yet known, though there are probably one or two butterflies of local range.   [Please select]


Haemolymph: the watery blood or lymph-like nutritive fluid of the lower invertebrates.   [Please select]


McNab's analysis indicates that for mammals that feed on invertebrates, those species with body mass less than 100 g have [.   [Please select]


It feeds primarily upon vertebrates found in or near water; but invertebrates and eggs have also been found in the diet.   [Please select]


The food of cottonmouths consists mainly of small vertebrates and occasionally invertebrates that are found near water.   [Please select]


In addition to numerous invertebrates (including microfossils) and arthropods, a number of vertebrates other than coelacanths have been found.   [Please select]


KORSCHELT and HEIDER, Text-book of the Embryology of Invertebrates: English edition, prepared by E.   [Please select]


The Laguna Madre de Tamaulipas is described by Hildebrand (1958) in connection with a preliminary study of the fishes and invertebrates there.   [Please select]


Much of the fauna and flora suggests continental origin, but the many marine invertebrates at some horizons indicate that at least some of the sediments were of marine origin.   [Please select]


Remains of these fishes occur in layers containing marine invertebrates, as well as in those containing plant remains and vertebrate skeletal parts, and in those nearly completely composed of dark carbonaceous material.   [Please select]

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invertebrate - invertebrates - inverted