I think you ought to stick to reading mysteries instead of inventing them. [Please select]
I go in again, inventing some pretext. [Please select]
The guard was wiping a bloody nose and everybody was inventing an account of what nobody had seen. [Please select]
He made great improvement in the mechanical part of his art, inventing some colors, and being the first to varnish pictures. [Please select]
He would spend the half of a busy day in playing with them, and in inventing new games for their diversion. [Please select]
He had come down in high wrath, inventing righteous speeches by the way on plighted troths and broken pledges. [Please select]
A more truculent commander would have no difficulty in inventing a pretext for taking off his head. [Please select]
They achieved their purpose by inventing a vaulted roof which was supported by "ribs." [Please select]
"Be that as it may, Commodus ordered out the cohort, sent it marching and amused himself inventing new ingenious torments for Maternus." [Please select]
The average boy will take delight in making a wondergraph and in inventing the many improvements that are sure to suggest themselves to him. [Please select]
After becoming acquainted with gun-cotton, nitro-glycerine, dynamite, lithofracteur, and other combinations of powerfully-explosive agents, I took to searching for and inventing methods by which these might be utilised. [Please select]
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