Sentence example with the word 'invading'


Last update: July 10, 2015


His labours were as various as they were incessant - now guiding the councils of the league, now addressing crowded and enthusiastic meetings of his supporters in London or the large towns of England and Scotland, now invading the agricultural districts and challenging the landlords to meet him in the presence of their own farmers, to discuss the question in dispute, and now encountering the Chartists, led by Feargus O'Connor.   [Please select]


Dampness was invading it, the flowers were deserting it.   [Please select]


And for them to talk of invading us.   [Please select]


Adams' Description--First Performance in New York, Charleston, Williamsburg, Baltimore--Invading the Stage--Throwing Missiles.   [Please select]


To devastate the cemeteries and temples of the foe was an aim of every invading tribe.   [Please select]


About the eyes there were large wrinkles, spraying downwards over the cheek bones and invading the cheeks.   [Please select]


Singularly enough, he was a cousin of "Indian" Butler, who led the invading army.   [Please select]

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invades - invading - invaginate