Sentence example with the word 'inundations'


Last update: August 23, 2015


The lower Senegal forms the boundary between the Sahara and the western Sudan; the line of its inundations is an ethnographic march between the nomadic Berber and the settled Negro.   [Please select]


There occurred, infamous to relate, inundations of the sewer.   [Please select]


Great dikes, faced with granite from Norway, withstand the tempest from the turbulent ocean, and smaller dikes prevent inundations from rivers.   [Please select]


They formed great kingdoms and states, and became new barriers against fresh inundations from the North and East.   [Please select]


Eating a soft tathy pasture, particularly if fouled by the inundations of the previous winter.   [Please select]


Even Holland, though it had particularly felt the scourge of these dissensions, and suffered severely from repeated inundations, began to recover.   [Please select]


During inundations the islands are frequently drowned out, and the wild animals are forced to swim for the nearest shore.   [Please select]


Therefore, the south and west shores of the island are subject to greater inundations by water.   [Please select]


The fosse which enclosed camp _I_ towards the side of the Brenne has disappeared by the inundations of the river.   [Please select]


Tradition makes him the founder of Memphis, near the head of the Delta, the site of which capital he secured against the inundations of the Nile by vast dikes and various engineering works.   [Please select]


Massive bridges, so solidly built that they have resisted the ravages of time and the inundations of more than a thousand years, are still to be seen.   [Please select]

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inundation - inundations - inure