Sentence example with the word 'inundation'


affusion, bedewing, dipping, exaggeration, immergence, overabundance, overluxuriance, overrun, redundancy, spillage, superiority

Last update: August 15, 2015


The lowlands of Tilsit are protected against inundation by dikes.   [noun]


A full month before the time of the inundation, the Persian and Egyptian armies were standing face to face near Pelusium on the north-east coast of the Delta.   [noun]


It was that first, redoubtable moment of inundation, when the stream rises to the level of the levee and when the water begins to filter through the fissures of dike.   [noun]


inundation of low lying land should be checked.   [noun]


During the pope's absence in Paris, at the coronation of Napoleon, Consalvi remained as virtual sovereign in Rome; and his regency was rendered remarkable by a great inundation, caused by the overflow of the Tiber, during which he exposed himself with heroic humanity for the preservation of the sufferers.   [noun]


There's only one place where it is left unguarded during the inundation season, because, just here, the water washes the walls.   [noun]


The inundation of 1802 is one of the actual memories of Parisians of the age of eighty.   [noun]


It is probable that these sea-monsters are the poetical figures which represent the demons of hunger and famine, necessarily accompanying a general inundation.   [noun]


Goodpastor and Hoffmeister (1952:370) reported that inundation sharply reduced populations of _M.   [Please select]

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