Sentence example with the word 'intuiting'


Last update: August 2, 2015


Accordingly we think something in general and determine it on the one hand sensuously, but, on the other, distinguish the general and in abstracto represented object from this particular mode of intuiting it.   [Please select]


I therefore do not represent myself in thought either as I am, or as I appear to myself; I merely cogitate myself as an object in general, of the mode of intuiting which I make abstraction.   [Please select]


In view of the _a priori_ nature of space and time, though without detraction from their intuitive character (they are immediate particular representations), we may assign pure sensibility to the higher faculty of cognition and speak of an intuiting reason.   [Please select]


The space and time, however, in which they exist and happen are not furnished by the intuiting individual, but by the supra-individual, _transcendental consciousness_ or generic reason of the race.   [Please select]


While Kant correctly described these functions of the intuiting and thinking spirit, and showed them actual, they must further be proven, be shown necessary or deduced.   [Please select]

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intuited - intuiting - intuition