Sentence example with the word 'intervenes'


Last update: August 19, 2015


A third curve, from the south-easternmost promontory of the Peloponnese through Cerigo, Crete, Carpathos and Rhodes, marks off the outer deeps of the open Mediterranean from the shallow seas of the archipelago, but the Cretan Sea, in which depths occur over 1000 fathoms, intervenes, north of the line, between it and the Aegean proper.   [Please select]


Here slang intervenes and takes it up: Candle, camoufle.   [Please select]


But thought again intervenes.   [Please select]


If no unforeseen event intervenes to defeat his plans, the remaining volumes of YOUNG AMERICA ABROAD will soon follow.   [Please select]


But here the anatomist intervenes, roughly demanding of the Cricket: "Show me your instrument, the source of your music."   [Please select]


A wedge, W, which can be raised or lowered by lever L, intervenes between the end of R and the valve stem.   [Please select]


We know that something intervenes between the people of the United States and the control of their own affairs at Washington.   [Please select]

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intervened - intervenes - intervening