Sentence example with the word 'interminable'


a mile long, continued, ever-during, illimited, interminate, long-drawn-out, nonterminous, running, sumless, unintermitted, untold

Last update: January 1, 2016


His was an interminable discussion.   [adjective]


The spider walks on, endlessly, hopelessly, in his interminable journey.   [adjective]


The boys sat on the floor in the airless room, which hummed with the interminable drone of prayers.   [adjective]


The sun had now fallen low toward the distant mountains; and as their journey lay through the interminable forest, the heat was no longer oppressive.   [adjective]


The alarmed colonists believed that the yells of the savages mingled with every fitful gust of wind that issued from the interminable forests of the west.   [adjective]


Children, to a woman of our society, are not a joy, a pride, nor a fulfilment of her vocation, but a cause of fear, anxiety, and interminable suffering, torture.   [adjective]


It was like an interminable canyon, gloomy, damp, and dangerous for all living things which passed its portals, this main street of Brentford.   [adjective]


He himself had never succeeded in bringing himself into such a state, although Stephanus had often compelled him to remain on his knees praying with him for many interminable hours.   [adjective]


It was about the fourth hour of the day when he passed out the gate, and found himself one of a procession apparently interminable, moving to the famous Grove.   [adjective]

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intermeshing - interminable - interminably