Sentence example with the word 'intercalary'


Definition adj. having a day or month inserted to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year:

Last update: October 28, 2015


The Errors Have Probably Arisen From A Continued Excess Of 10 In The Discrimination Of The Intercalary Years.   [Please select]


_--The dorsal ground color is tan or straw; the dorsal pattern consists basically of dark middorsal blotches and dark lateral intercalary spots.   [Please select]


In adults the anterior and posterior body-blotches are black; the lateral intercalary spots are solid black.   [Please select]


The position of the lateral intercalary spots and lateral streaks are the same as in _deppei deppei_.   [Please select]


Posterior to the paired spots are 22 to 27 dorsal body-blotches; these and the lateral intercalary spots have pale centers.   [Please select]


Hartweg (1941:9) further showed that the terminal phalanges of _Plectrohyla guatemalensis_ were not T-shaped and that intercalary cartilages were present.   [Please select]


Pompey is created consul for the third time on the 5th of the Calends of March, _in the intercalary month_.   [Please select]


Intercalary -ies: additional or inserted between others; as a vein: plural; added or supplementary longitudinal wing reins: see under specific headings; i.   [Please select]


Many kinds of fasts are necessary; and wherever powerful influences and habits prevail, legislators have to see that intercalary days are appointed, on which such impulses are fettered, and learn to hunger anew.   [Please select]


The letter dealing with the calendar was written to inform Sin-idinnam, the governor of Larsam, that an intercalary month was to be inserted.   [Please select]

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interbreeds - intercalary - intercalate