Sentence example with the word 'intensities'


Last update: July 11, 2015


The intensity of the secondary light is no longer to be arrived at by addition of individual intensities, but must be calculated with consideration of the particular phases involved.   [Please select]


Most dreams seem to operate with relatively slight psychic intensities, for they wait for the awakening.   [Please select]


Through this free transferability of the intensities, moreover, and in the service of condensation, _intermediary presentations_--compromises, as it were--are formed (_cf.)   [Please select]


Now this third function, the regulation of relative intensities, has hitherto been discharged through the judgment of the ears of a conductor, who is placed in the most disadvantageous position for judging by his ears.   [Please select]


We should not underrate the psychic intensities introduced into sleep by these remnants of waking life, especially those emanating from the group of the unsolved.   [Please select]

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intensional - intensities - intensity