Sentence example with the word 'intensest'


Last update: September 24, 2015


The results of his intensest meditations on the psychology and the human and divine significance of the event (on which he has left some pregnant hints in written words of his own) are perfectly fused with those of his subtlest technical calculations on the rhythmical balancing of groups and arrangement of figures in space.   [Please select]


The passage beginning, 'I am made up of an intensest life,' conveys something more than the writer's actual psychological state.   [Please select]


The intensest bigotry and narrowness are compatible with the most charming manners and the noblest acts of personal kindness.   [Please select]


I restrained myself, but I could not bridle my swift breathing, and I watched him with the intensest eagerness.   [Please select]


And now that star was throwing its intensest lustre on their hearts.   [Please select]


No artifice nor falsity was there, nothing but the crudest, intensest feeling, which many people live and die without knowing.   [Please select]


Meeting eyes of the darkest, intensest blue that he had ever seen, he gave her appropriate greeting, "Good morning, Princess Bluebell."   [Please select]


He had spoken simply, even in the intensest moments of denunciation.   [Please select]


He was now out of the King's power, who doubtless would have imprisoned him and perhaps killed him, for he hated him with the intensest hatred.   [Please select]


For, all save one spot right in the centre, of intensest and most brilliant green, it looked as if the colour had been burnt out of it.   [Please select]

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intenser - intensest - intensification