a bit much, drastic, furious, high, lax, overgreat, prodigal, splitting, uncurbed, unrestrained, wolfing
Definitionadj. (of weather or climate) not mild
Last update: September 7, 2015
The intemperate desires made Vishwamitra to ask for the kamadhenu. [adjective]
It is an intemperate attack on much of the culture of the later nineteenth century. [adjective]
I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. [adjective]
"It can be but the frolic of some intemperate guest," said Ellieslaw, though greatly confounded; "we must make large allowances for the excess of this evening's festivity." [adjective]
The maharaja Ram Singh, who succeeded his father in 1893, was deprived of power of government in 1895 on the ground of intemperate conduct; and in 1900 was finally deposed for the murder of one of his personal attendants. [Please select]
On the other hand, none has been the object of such intemperate hero-worship. [Please select]
"I have no faith in the promises of a man who is intemperate." [Please select]
The chief pleasures were those of the chase,--hunting and hawking,--and intemperate feasts. [Please select]
She must struggle not to give way to intemperate feelings. [Please select]
He is not what may be called an intemperate man. [Please select]
A brother of mine was intemperate and that was a warning to me. [Please select]
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