Sentence example with the word 'insidiously'


Definition adv. in a harmfully insidious manner

Last update: July 15, 2015


Alchohol drink advertisers work insidiously but effectively on people.   [Please select]


The root-worms work insidiously, and the moles and shrews are supposed to attack them and destroy them.   [Please select]


Some of these pests are so small and work so insidiously that even the farmer is prone to overlook their existence.   [Please select]


A new German skin remedy had insidiously crept on to the market.   [Please select]


Lord Parham's feeling was that a more insidiously impertinent question had never been put to him.   [Please select]


And under this insidiously sheltering garment, her appropriation of her sister's money was securely hidden away.   [Please select]


In one fleeting minute Kirkwood's conception of the law of _meum et tuum_, its foundations already insidiously undermined by a series of cumulative misfortunes, toppled crashing to its fall; and was not.   [Please select]


The reader must remember that the processes which are here compressed into a few pages took place slowly, gradually, insidiously, over a period of about five months.   [Please select]

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insidious - insidiously - insidiousness