Sentence example with the word 'inscribing'


Last update: September 5, 2015


Inscribing in and circumscribing about a circle two polygons, each of ninety-six sides, and assuming that the perimeter of the circle lay between those of the polygons, he obtained the limits he has assigned by sheer calculation, starting from two close approximations to the value of 1 / 3, which he assumes as known (265/153 < A t 3 < 1351/780).   [Please select]


Ware anticipated events by inscribing in his diary for the day, immediately after breakfast, these remarks: "Arranged about piano."   [Please select]


Upon their arrival they found a painter at work inscribing the vessel with identifying marks.   [Please select]


As he first solved the problem of inscribing a right-angled triangle in a circle, he is the founder of geometrical science in Greece.   [Please select]


Basilar length of skull more than 67; ear from notch usually more than 73 dry (77 fresh); first upper incisors inscribing an arch of a circle the radius of which is more than 9.   [Please select]

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inscribes - inscribing - inscription