But he was inordinately vain, and totally unscrupulous in gaining money, in attacking an enemy, or in protecting himself when he was threatened with danger. [Please select]
Two of his wives, with all of whom he was inordinately jealous, had died of poison. [Please select]
Wars to preserve the "balance of power" have not generally been deemed offensive, when any power has become inordinately aggrandized. [Please select]
But even Jefferson did not inordinately seek or desire the presidency. [Please select]
Outside, to give directions to the plainly disapproving chauffeur, sat Jerry Murphy, inordinately proud and insufferably important. [Please select]
The Harringtons have always been inordinately proud of race and family," snapped John Pendleton." [Please select]
As for beverages, the habitant was inordinately fond of sour milk. [Please select]
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