Sentence example with the word 'inmate'


addressee, captive, convict, dweller, house detective, inhabitant, inpatient, lag, locum tenens, occupier, prisoner, resident, residentiary, sojourner

Definition n. one of several resident of a dwelling

Last update: September 18, 2015


All the hostel inmates have left for their home towns.   [Please select]


From the Fijian and Andaman islander who exhibits abject terror at seeing himself in a glass or in water, to the English or European peasant who covers up the mirrors or turns them to the wall, upon a death occurring, lest an inmate of the house should see his own face and have his own speedy demise thus prognosticated, the idea holds its ground.   [Please select]


"She surely is not an inmate of Heath Hall."   [Please select]


He an inmate of my house.   [Please select]


Or "(1) Describe Mother's laugh; (2) Describe Father's laugh; (3) Describe Mother's Party Dress; (4) Describe the Kennel and its Inmate."   [Please select]


Gordon, and that she might some day go to Liverpool and be an inmate of just such a palace.   [Please select]


Dixon remarks, "that the duck had not at this time become a naturalised and prolific inmate of the Roman poultry-yard."   [Please select]


There was one inmate of the house who saw in William's return a means of making shameful profit.   [Please select]

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