Sentence example with the word 'inklings'


Last update: October 28, 2015


In talks at home with Deborah, and in what he himself observed at school, Roger began to get inklings of "A."   [Please select]


She had inklings of ambition, a certain love of luxury, and desire to be a lady.   [Please select]


He gave the princes and ruling classes of India some inklings at least of a common interest.   [Please select]


But she began to get inklings that it was very bad.   [Please select]


But I've always been fascinated by the idea of taking long chances, and I have had inklings that I'll be rather more than less fascinated as I grow older.'   [Please select]


And although her father had only inklings of it all, he had quite enough to make him irate at this uncanny interplay of influences in his family.   [Please select]

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inkling - inklings - inkpot