The Asiatic elephant inhabits the forest-lands of India, Burma, the Malay Peninsula, Cochin China, Ceylon and Sumatra. [Please select]
I can swear that no one inhabits them. [Please select]
This species, moreover, inhabits the Himalaya, close to the limit of perpetual snow; and therefore, as Mr. [Please select]
; it inhabits Burmah, the Malay peninsula, the Indo-Chinese countries, the Philippine Islands, and the Malayan archipelago as far eastward as Timor. [Please select]
The red shiner is pelagic in habit and occurs primarily in pools, though it frequently inhabits adjacent riffles. [Please select]
_ This is a species which inhabits the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, and is said to rarely occur on the California coast. [Please select]
_ This species inhabits the North Atlantic ocean chiefly on the European side, being abundant in the Mediterranean and in the British Isles. [Please select]
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