Sentence example with the word 'infantrymen'


Last update: August 26, 2015


"Look, Prince," said another, who would have dearly liked to take another pie but felt shy, and therefore pretended to be examining the countryside--"See, our infantrymen have already got there.   [Please select]


A few infantrymen ran to the Kutafyev Gate.   [Please select]


And now there hove into sight in the early morning light countless numbers of German infantrymen at a charge.   [Please select]


But Roman engineers invented a new craft which carried a boarding bridge across which the Roman infantrymen stormed the hostile ship.   [Please select]


Where solid ground had seemed to be, men were rushing forth--German infantrymen with rifles and bayonets fixed to the counter-attack.   [Please select]


The aim of the Belgian gunners and infantrymen was excellent, and the havoc wrought in the German lines was terrible.   [Please select]


The two infantrymen could hear nothing until finally he asked: "What troops can you spare."   [Please select]


Infantrymen stepped into a dark ooze left by spring rains, and pulling themselves out, charged, black to the waist with mud.   [Please select]


The infantrymen broke lines a little, leaned on their rifles, and discussed arrangements for breakfast.   [Please select]


"Look, Prince," said another, who would have dearly liked to take another pie but felt shy, and therefore pretended to be examining the countryside"See, our infantrymen have already got there."   [Please select]


His men therefore stopped on the brink until he directed his infantrymen to circle the ravine until they found a {308} practicable descent and there join Parnell's men.   [Please select]

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infantryman - infantrymen - infants