Sentence example with the word 'inebriation'


a high, befuddlement, besottedness, drunkenness, fuddle, fuddledness, fuddlement, hangover, inebriety, insobriety, intoxication, katzenjammer, morning after, pot-valiance, pot-valor, sottedness, tipsiness

Definition n. habitual intoxication

Last update: August 5, 2015


A dose of a little more than a drachm (a teaspoonful) will produce a condition of inebriation lasting for one-half to one hour, but the dose must soon be greatly increased.   [Please select]


The greedy bird then gorges himself, and rests, in stupidity and almost gluttonous inebriation, upon the highest neighboring rocks.   [Please select]


The captain's hand shook, and his whole frame trembled from the effects of his long-inebriation.   [Please select]


Mollie looked for her father, and with Noddy's help she found him in the hold, senseless in his inebriation.   [Please select]


Berry, who handled the liquors, kept himself in a genial stage of inebriation and sat in smiles and loud calico talking of gold mines and hidden treasure.   [Please select]

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inebriating - inebriation - inebriety