Sentence example with the word 'induct'


anoint, christen, detach for service, establish, initiate, invest, list, place, recruit, set up, summon

Definition v. place ceremoniously or formally in an office or position

Last update: January 3, 2017


The first parliament of the Regent Murray (1567), while confirming the establishment of the Reformed church as the only true church of Christ, settling the Protestant succession, and doing something to secure the right of stipend to ministers, reintroduced lay patronage, the superintendent being charged to induct the patron's nominee - an infringement of the reformed system against which the church never ceased to protest.   [verb]


By the new policy inaugurated by Dr William Robertson (1721-1793), which led to the second secession, the assembly compelled presbyteries to give effect to presentations, and in a long series of disputed settlements the " call," though still held essential to a settlement, was less and less regarded, until it was declared that it was not necessary, and that the church courts were bound to induct any qualified presentee.   [verb]


The party inducted several young and dynamic professionals.   [verb]


The Bishop desired to know how long the minister addressed had been inducted into his living.   [Please select]


Thus the conditions of both factors of aesthetic emotion tend to induct pleasure.   [Please select]


The pilot came on board, and was inducted into the pilot-house.   [Please select]


The office into which Milton was now inducted is called in the Council books that of "Secretary for foreign tongues."   [Please select]


Multí hominés aurí cupiditáte inductí haec póma auferre iam anteá cónátí erant.   [Please select]


So you will thrive, and come to be inducted into your living, whether in Virginia or some other quarter of the globe.   [Please select]

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inducing - induct - inductance