Sentence example with the word 'indicted'


accused, arraigned, blamed, charged, cited, denounced, impeached, implicated, impugned, in complicity, incriminated, inculpated, involved, reproached, tasked, taxed, under attack, under fire

Last update: November 1, 2015


On the 24th of November he was indicted for high treason at the Old Bailey, the chief ground being a paper of association for the defence of the Protestant religion, which, though among his papers, was not in his handwriting; but the grand jury ignored the bill.   [Please select]


The next day I saw I had been indicted by the grand jury and was a wanted man.   [Please select]


In 1325 more than twenty men were indicted and tried by the king's bench for murder by tormenting a waxen image.   [Please select]


"[10] Bolingbroke and a clergyman, Thomas Southwell, were indicted of treason with the duchess as accessory."   [Please select]


Joan Cason was indicted for bewitching to death a three-year-old child.   [Please select]


She was indicted for blasphemy, fined, and sentenced to stand in the pillory.   [Please select]


"Three young ladies of our town," he makes his correspondent relate, "were indicted for witchcraft."   [Please select]

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indictable - indicted - indicting